A Device, Methodology And System For Monitoring, Classifying And Encouraging Activity (UCLA Case No. 2011-829)


UCLA researchers in the Department of Computer Science have developed a new technology to fight the growing obesity epidemic by encouraging exercise.



Youth obesity is a growing problem in the United States. Nearly one-third of all children are overweight or obese. Some of the main contributing factors to obesity are nutrition and lack of physical activity. It’s currently estimated that children aged 2-19 spend around 8 hours watching video content and playing video games, largely sedentary activities. Introduction of technologies that aid in promoting physical activity may help combat the current obesity epidemic.



UCLA researchers led by Professor Majid Sarrafzadeh have developed a novel toy with integrated embedded sensors, a mobile phone application for alternate data collection, and a website that contains games and rewards. Additionally, exercise activity influences their ability to play video games associated with the device. The influence of exercise in the games may be to reduce the speed or responsiveness of a video game character depending on how often the user has exercised. Additional motivating factors include providing rewards to users who exercise longer and more frequently.



▶ A useful tool in combating childhood and adult obesity

▶ Potentially could be used as an aid in physical therapy setting



▶ Integrates common childhood leisure activities, such as video games, with exercise

▶ Monitor and tracks activity and rewards users with motivation accordingly

▶ Previous studies show that tying exercise and physical activity to interactive games and rewards may be a motivating factor in changing lifestyle behavior


Status of Development:

▶ Researchers have built working prototypes of toys with sensors, and associated software and web portals


Patent Application:

Devices, systems, and methods for monitoring, classifying, and encouraging activity


Patent Information:
For More Information:
Nikolaus Traitler
Business Development Officer (BDO)
Majid Sarrafzadeh
Jason Holmes
Jordan Mendler
Simran Basi
Diego Villasenor
Bita Zadeh
Daniel Pan