2011-044 Automated Semen Analysis Using Holographic Imaging


UCLA researchers in the department of electrical engineering have developed a compact and lightweight platform for conducting automated semen analysis using a lens-free on-chip microscope. Background Semen analysis is an important and extensively routine for evaluating male fertility and preparing artificial insemination. Current approaches include manually counting sperm through an optical microscope, utilizing complex algorithms to analyze images recorded from microscopes or indirectly qualifying sperm concentration through electrical or chemical means. These approaches fall short of ideal because they are labor-intensive, prohibitively expensive or not sufficiently discriminating of sperm motility. Demand therefore exists for a system that is easy to use while sufficiently fast and accurate.



The innovation described here is a lightweight, compact and cost-effective platform for conducting automated semen analysis on a chip. The platform leverages a lens-free holographic on-chip microscope and software that is capable of accurately distinguishing and counting motile and immotile sperm.



  • Fertility testing
    • Fertility clinics
    • Personal fertility testing
    • Veterinary medicine



  • Lightweight, compact and cost-effective
  • Automated analysis requiring little manual effort



The method has been prototyped and successfully demonstrated.

Patent Information:
For More Information:
Nikolaus Traitler
Business Development Officer (BDO)
Aydogan Ozcan
Electrical > Imaging