2022-209 Modulating Heterointerface Energetics for Operationally Stable Perovskite Solar Cells


UCLA researchers in the Department of Material Science and Engineering have developed an innovative and low-cost process that increases the stability of perovskite solar cells.


Perovskite Solar Cells (PSCs) are a rather new but growing technology for the efficient conversion of solar light to electricity. Most conventional silicon-based solar cells have an average conversion efficiency of only 15%, whereas PSCs have achieved conversion efficiencies of 30%. In addition, PSCs are surprisingly cheap to manufacture. However, surface treatments used in the PSC fabrication process result in electrical charge accumulation sites which lead to PSC degradation during operation. If perovskite solar cells are to become a viable commercial alternative to silicon crystalline solar cells, their stability needs to be significantly improved. 


Researchers at UCLA have developed a novel fabrication approach that stabilizes the surface of perovskite solar cells without hindering the efficiency of the solar energy conversion. By manipulating the surface energetics of the solar cells and applying a unique surface treatment, the long-term stability of perovskite-based solar cells was improved. In testing, devices treated with this method showed improved resistance to degradation, and electron microscope examination of the tested devices revealed significantly suppressed ion migration and heterointerface degradation, compared with conventional PSCs. This process is well suited to existing fabrication protocols which enables low manufacturing costs and decreases the barrier for widespread adoption.

Potential Applications:

•    Perovskite Solar Cell Fabrication


•    Improved stability
•    No loss in efficiency
•    Scalable
•    Low Cost

Development to Date:

A successful demonstration of the technology has been performed. 

Related Papers (from the inventors only):

Tan, S., Huang, T., Yavuz, I. et al. Stability-limiting heterointerfaces of perovskite photovoltaics. Nature 605, 268–273 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04604-5

Reference: UCLA Case No. 2022-209

Lead Inventor: Yang Yang


Patent Information:
For More Information:
Ed Beres
Business Development Officer
Yang Yang
Shaun Tan
Tianyi Huang