UCLA researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a method that boosts the electron extraction efficiency and enables high-performance microbial fuel cells (MFCs) with record-high power output.
Fuel cells have garnered increased attention as a means of obtaining green energy. They are capable of producing electrical energy through a variety of chemical reactions from biomasses. These fuel cells can be comprised of alkaline, proton exchange membranes, and hydrogen as a means of producing energy. Recently, microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have been developed that are capable of using biodegradable organic matter to produce electricity. Utilized in bioremediation and environmental energy recovery, Shewanella is one of the most widely studied bacteria for its potential applications in MFCs. However, Shewanella MFCs have limitations due to their low power output and poor electron transfer efficiency. Such limitations hinder the practical usages of MFCs. Therefore, there is a need to develop Shewanella MFCs with increased electron transfer efficiency and power output.
UCLA researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a method to significantly boost the electron extraction efficiency and power output in Shewanella biofilms. This method introduces transmembrane metallic nanoparticles forming a Shewanella-metallic hybrid MFC.,. This method significantly improved the electron transfer and power output processes of Shewanella MFCs. Furthermore, the improvement in Shewanella biofilm power output provides a platform for practical applications in the development of innovative clean energy solutions.
- Fuel Cells
- Efficient batteries
- Nanomaterials
- Biosensors
- Increased power output
- Efficient electron transfer processes
- Increased power density
- High-performance MFCs
First successful demonstration of microbial fuel cells with different anodes (First description of complete invention) has been accomplished.
Silver nanoparticles boost charge-extraction efficiency in Shewanella microbial fuel cells SCIENCE•17 Sep 2021•Vol 373, Issue 6561•pp. 1336-1340•DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3427