2021-218 Hierarchically Structured Hydrogel With Broad-range Tunable Mechanical Properties


UCLA researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a method to create hydrogels with tunable strength, mechanical strain, toughness, and fatigue resistance.


Hydrogels are used in a wide range of applications such as tissue engineering, drug delivery, and energy storage devices. But despite recent advances in improving hydrogel mechanical performance, it remains a challenge to produce simultaneously strong, tough, stretchable and fatigue-resistant hydrogels with more elaborate hierarchical structures across broader length scales, such as those observed in natural materials. This limits their use, as each hydrogel needs to be designed for a particular application. Methods to improve this have primarily focused on the composition of these materials, but do not allow for complex structures. Therefore, there is a need for a method of producing hydrogels with tunable mechanical properties by means of a generic and facile approach.


UCLA researchers have developed a method of generating hydrogel material with tunable mechanical properties through a combination of molecular and structural engineering approaches. By combining directional freeze-casting and a subsequent salting-out treatment, which synergistically create hydrogel structures on different length scales across the millimeter scale to the molecular level, they have constructed strong, tough, stretchable and fatigue-resistant hydrogels with hierarchical and anisotropic structures. The resulting hydrogels have a water content of 70–95 per cent and properties that compare favorably to those of other tough hydrogels and even natural tendons; for example, an ultimate stress of 23.5 ± 2.7 megapascals, strain levels of 2,900 ± 450 per cent, toughness of 210 ± 13 megajoules per cubic meter, fracture energy of 170 ± 8 kilojoules per square meter and a fatigue threshold of 10.5 ± 1.3 kilojoules per square meter. Furthermore, the method can also be adapted for other polymers. It can also be adapted to FDA-approved polymers, paving the way for use in biological systems.


  • Tissue engineering
  • Toughening polymer agent
  • 3D-printed hydrogel materials
  • Tough coating for surgical tools
  • Thyroplasty implant
  • Vocal fold surgery
  • Eye orbital muscle replacement
  • Artificial muscles for soft robotics


  • High robustness and durability
  • Tunable material properties
  • Biocompatible
  • Easy to fabricate
  • Can be coated onto objects with complex geometry
  • Anti-freezing


Proof-of-concept fabrication of hydrogels and rendered design have been created for the innovation.


Oscibot Swimming; Laboratory Website


Hua, Mutian, et al. "Strong tough hydrogels via the synergy of freeze-casting and salting out." Nature 590.7847 (2021): 594-599.

S.Duan, Z.Liu, S.Wu, M.Hua, X.He*,Tuning structural and mechanical anisotropy of PVA hydrogels, Mechanics of Materials,2022,104411,DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmat.2022.104411

S. Wu, T.-W. Wang, Y. Du, B. Yao, S. Duan, Y. Yan, M. Hua, Y. Alsaid, X. Zhu, X. He*, Tough, Anti-freezing and Ionic Conductive Hydrogels, NPG Asia Materials. 2022, 14:65. DOI: 10.1038/s41427-022-00410-7.(Invited contribution)

S. Duan, S. Wu, M. Hua, D. Wu, Y. Yan, X. Zhu, X. He. Tendon-inspired anti-freezing tough gels. iScience. 2021 Sep 24;24(9):102989.DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102989.

R. Xu, M. Hua, S. Wu, S. Ma, Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, B. Yu, M. Cai, X. He, F. Zhou. Continuously growing multi-layered hydrogel structures with seamless interlocked interface. Matter. 2022 Feb 2;5(2):634-53.DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2021.11.018.

Y. Zhao, C.Y. Lo, L. Ruan, C.H. Pi, C. Kim, Y. Alsaid, I. Frenkel, R. Rico, T.C. Tsao, X. He. Somatosensory actuator based on stretchable conductive photothermally responsive hydrogel. Science Robotics. 2021 Apr 7;6(53):eabd5483. DOI:10.1126/scirobotics.abd5483.

Y. Alsaid, S. Wu, D. Wu, Y. Du, L. Shi, R. Khodambashi, R. Rico, M. Hua, Y. Yan, Y. Zhao, D. Aukes, X. He. Tunable Sponge‐Like Hierarchically Porous Hydrogels with Simultaneously Enhanced Diffusivity and Mechanical Properties. Advanced Materials. 2021 May;33(20):2008235.DOI: 10.1002/adma.201701938.

Y. Wang, X. Cao, J. Cheng, B. Yao, Y. Zhao, S. Wu, B. Ju, S. Zhang, X. He, W. Niu, Cephalopod-inspired chromic ionic skin with rapid multiple sensing capabilities by mimicking photonic nanostructure, ACS Nano, 2021Feb;15 (2), 3509-3521.DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c00181.

S. Wu, M. Hua, Y. Alsaid, Y. Du, Y. Ma, Y. Zhao, C.Y. Lo, C. Wang, D. Wu, B. Yao, J. Strzalka. Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Hydrogels with Broad‐Range Tunable Mechanical Properties via the Hofmeister Effect. Advanced Materials. 2021 Mar;33(11):2007829.DOI: 10.1002/adma.202007829

M Hua, D. Wu, S. Wu, Y. Ma, Y. Alsaid, X. He. 4D printable tough and thermoresponsive hydrogels. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2020 Dec 2;13(11):12689-97.DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c17532

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For More Information:
Edward Beres
Business Development Officer
Ximin He
Mutian Hua
Shuwang Wu