A Novel Device for Minimally Invasive Tubal Sterilization for Women (Case No. 2023-262)


UCLA researchers from the Department of Radiological Sciences have developed a novel device for minimally invasive tubal sterilization, improving upon existing contraception methods. 


Tubal sterilization is commonly used as a method of permanent female contraception, as approximately 700,000 American women undergo this procedure each year. Traditional approaches to tubal sterilization rely on invasive surgery in which the fallopian tubes are either cut, cauterized, or clipped. These existing methods are also hindered by several limitations, including the need for general anesthesia, risk of potential complications, and significant recovery time. Recent developments in surgical technologies have improved the safety and efficacy of this procedure but are still limited by procedural complexity and increased risk of adverse reactions. There remains an unmet clinical need for a minimally invasive tubal sterilization technique.


UCLA researchers from the Department of Radiological Sciences have developed a novel image-guided technique for effective and minimally invasive tubal sterilization. This technology involves the use of a dual lumen microcatheter to deliver a surgical adhesive into the fallopian tube. The adhesive facilitates formation of scar tissue within the tube, which results in durable and long-term occlusion. The use of a bioabsorbable footplate prevents the glue from leaking into undesired locations. This technology has the potential to revolutionize permanent female contraception due to its reliability, safety and minimal complications. 

Potential Applications: 

•    Permanent contraception
•    Fertility management
•    Reproductive health clinic applications 


•    Increased precision 
•    Minimally-invasive 
•    Short recovery time
•    No general anesthesia required 


UCLA Case No. 2023-262

Lead Inventor:

Jessica Stewart


Stewart JK, Hipolito Canario DA, Daso G, Thapa D, Montgomery S, Kohi M. Use of n-Butyl-2-Cyanoacrylate for Fallopian Tube Embolization via Selective Catheterization in a Rabbit Model: Feasibility Study for Potential Nonsurgical Sterilization. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2023 Feb;34(2):225-233. doi: 10.1016/j.jvir.2022.10.026. Epub 2022
Oct 25. PMID: 36306987.

Patent Information:
For More Information:
Megha Patel
Business Development Officer
Jessica Stewart