Search Results - bladder

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Highly Elastic Biomaterial Development for the Lower Urinary Tract (UCLA Case No. 2024-060)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Departments of Urology and Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering have developed biomimetic, elastic biomaterial for use in urinary tract reconstruction. Background: Lower urinary tract (LUT) reconstructions have a high failure rate leading to complications including urinary tract infections and leakage. There is...
Published: 10/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Renea Sturm, Nasim Annabi
Keywords(s): biodegradable, Biomaterial, bladder, elastin, lower urinary tract (LUT), surgical tool, suturable biomaterial, Tissue Engineering, tissue regeneration, urethra, urinary tract reconstruction
Category(s): Medical Devices, Medical Devices > Surgical Tools