CO2 and Global-Scale Carbon Management

UC Case No. 2019-990



UCLA researchers in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have developed a method to remove excess greenhouse gases from the atmosphere by turning CO2 gas into a solid.



As the global average temperature continues to rise, strategies to trap greenhouse gases like CO2 are becoming increasingly essential. To achieve a reduction in the effects of global warming, removal of at least 10-20 Gt of CO2 are needed over the next century. Existing strategies to remove CO2 from the atmosphere are ineffective at a large scale, as they often relying on the removal of CO2 in a gas or liquid state. This in turn requires large amounts of energy to transport and store the CO2 and complicated processes to separate, process and manage carbon waste. A system is needed that limits the energy consumption and removes the complexity of atmospheric CO2 management to address climate change.



UCLA researchers have developed a system for removing CO2 from the atmosphere as a solid. Solid CO2 can be extracted from the environment selectively and efficiently and can be safely disposed at Earth’s surface or expelled into the ocean. Storage and transportation of solid CO2, rather than gaseous or liquid CO2, reduces energy consumption while enhancing safety. Additionally, the method uses readily abundant material for treatment, making it highly scalable and providing an exciting platform capable of removing CO2 on the Gt scale that is needed.



  • Removal of greenhouse gas
  • Industrial CO2 management
  • Sustainability



  • Easy separation from other atmospheric gasses
  • Improved processing and transportation as a solid
  • Scalable design
  • Readily abundant materials
Patent Information:
For More Information:
Dina Lozofsky
Senior Director, Business Development
Gaurav Sant
Erika Callagon La Plante
David Jassby
Jingbo Wang
Dante Simonetti
Abdulaziz Alturki