Search Results - eleazar+eskin

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Swabseq Agnostic Diagnostic Platform (Case No. 2023-293)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Departments of Computer Science and Anatomic Pathology have developed an untargeted NGS diagnostic tool capable of detecting all known and emerging respiratory RNA viruses in a single test, enhancing our capacity to rapidly address public health crises through improved diagnostics. Background: Most clinical diagnostic...
Published: 9/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eleazar Eskin, Valerie Arboleda
Keywords(s): agnostic detection, Bioinformatics, bioinformatics pipeline, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Diagnostic Markers & Platforms, Diagnostic Test, DNA Sequencing, Medical diagnostics, metagenomic diagnostic platform, meta-genomics, next generation sequencing (NGS), Pathogen, Pathogenesis, Sequencing
Category(s): Platforms, Platforms > Diagnostic Platform Technologies, Life Science Research Tools, Life Science Research Tools > Research Methods, Diagnostic Markers > Targets And Assays, Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Digital Health, Software & Algorithms > Bioinformatics
2020-852 Cryptographic Survey Completion Certificates
SUMMARY:UCLA researchers in the Department of Computational Medicine and Computer Science have developed a symptom screening survey which, upon completion, issues an encrypted completion code specific to an hour and date (rather than individual) and can be verified by a workplace.BACKGROUND:COVID-19 has impacted a wide range of jobs and has dramatically...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Eleazar Eskin
Category(s): Therapeutics > Infectious Diseases > COVID, Software & Algorithms > Data Analytics