Search Results - jeff+li

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Assistive Device to Aid in Identification and Use of Medications (UCLA Case No. 2022-213)
Summary: Researchers in the UCLA Stein Eye Institute have developed a medication assistive device to aid in distinguishing medication bottles and administering medications on the correct schedules for patients, especially those with visual impairment. Background: Many ophthalmic conditions are treated with eye drop medications. These treatments...
Published: 2/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Edmund Tsui, Jie Deng, Holly Huang, Jeff Li, Hyeongtaek Nam, Brian Wu
Keywords(s): 3D Printing, Hospital Systems And Devices, Medical Devices and Materials, Monitoring And Recording Systems, Ophthalmology, Therapeutics & Vaccines
Category(s): Medical Devices > Monitoring And Recording Systems, Therapeutics > Ophthalmology