Search Results - patrick+harran

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UCLA researchers have developed a potent and stable small molecule inhibitor of the ghrelin O-acyl transferase as potential therapy for obesity and type II diabetes. BACKGROUND:Obesity, and type II diabetes (T2D) resultant from obesity affect millions of people worldwide, and has reached epidemic level in society. Numerous means to counter the trend...
Published: 1/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Patrick Harran
Keywords(s): Metabolic Diseases, Therapeutics & Vaccines
Category(s): Therapeutics > Metabolism And Endocrinology
2014-387 Small Molecule Antagonists of the Pro-Survival Protein MCL-1 (POC 2016)
Small Molecule Antagonists Of The Pro-Survival Protein Mcl-1SUMMARYUCLA Researchers have discovered novel inhibitors to signaling proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis. MCL-1, which is known to be overexpressed in many cancers, is believed to be upregulated in cancers to prevent the apoptosis pathway.The researchers have developed novel small...
Published: 7/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Patrick Harran, Gordon Shore, James Frederich, Mai Nguyen
Keywords(s): Oncology, Oncology (Small Molecules, Peptides and Antibodies), Therapeutics & Vaccines
Category(s): Therapeutics, Therapeutics > Oncology, Therapeutics > Oncology > Oncology (Small Molecules)