Search Results - ege+cetintas

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2021-359 Seeing Through Random Diffusers Without a Computer
Summary: UCLA researchers in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed an all optics-based system that can perform image reconstruction at the speed of light for images distorted by light scattering and diffusion. Background: Imaging is an essential technique for everything from biomedical optics and atmospheric physics...
Published: 2/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Aydogan Ozcan, Yi Luo, Ege Cetintas, Yair Rivenson
Keywords(s): Automation, Computer Vision, Digital Electronics, Electronics & Semiconductors, Optics, Photonics, Remote Sensing, Robotics, Signal Reconstruction, Turbines
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Electrical > Imaging, Mechanical, Mechanical > Instrumentation, Mechanical > Robotics, Optics & Photonics