Search Results - marine+applications

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Micro-Trenches That Retain Trapped Gas Under High-Speed Water Flows (UCLA Case No. 2023-204)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering have developed a design of microstructured surfaces capable of retaining air pockets under water at flow speeds above 10 knots so that watercraft can travel with a reduced drag. Background: A major challenge limiting efficiency and speed of watercraft is the friction...
Published: 2/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): CJ Kim, Ning Yu
Keywords(s): boats, Drag (Physics), drag reduction, fluid mechanics, friction reduction, fuel efficiency, hull, Hydrophobic, liquid-air interface, marine applications, maritime, microtrenches, navy, planing hull, Seawater, ships, Superhydrophobic, water sports, watercraft
Category(s): Mechanical, Materials