Search Results - semiconductor+chip+foundries

6 Results Sort By:
Chip-Scale Monolithic Led-Photovoltaic Voltage Boost Conversion (Case No. 2025-033)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering have developed a non-switching optoelectronic voltage conversion platform capable of voltage boost conversion at low input voltages on a miniature scale. Background: Voltage conversion is crucial for powering industrial systems, home appliances, electric vehicles, and...
Published: 2/18/2025   |   Inventor(s): Aaswath Raman, Parthiban Santhanam
Keywords(s): Application-Specific Integrated Circuit, Audio Power Amplifier, Autonomous Energy, clean energy, clean energy consumption, Compressed Air Energy Storage, Concentrated Solar Power, Concentrated Solar Power Chemical Engineering, conversion efficiency photoelectric, Doping (Semiconductor), Electronics & Semiconductors, Energy & Water, Energy Balance (Biology), energy conversion, energy conversion applications, Energy Density, Energy Density Boiling Point, Energy Density Silicide, Energy Density Strong Interaction, Energy Efficiency, energy efficient IoT, Energy Generation & Storage, Energy Generation, Transmission, or Storage, Energy Harvesting, Energy Harvesting Evaporation, energy management, Energy Management System, Energy positive, energy recycle, Energy Recycling, Energy Security , high-powered laser systems, Integrated Circuit, Integrated Circuit Standing Wave, Integrated Circuit Via (Electronics), interaction-powered, low-power device, Microelectronics Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit, Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit, nanophotonic, nanophotonic structures, nanophotonics, Network Analysis (Electrical Circuits), Neuromorphic circuits, OLED, Optoelectronics, Optoelectronics Waveguide (Electromagnetism), Organic Semiconductor, people-as-power, photonic, Photonic Integrated Circuit, photonic materials, Photonic structures, Photonics, power amplifier, Power Amplifier Circuit, power conversion efficiency, Power distribution & grids, Power Electronics, Power Transmission, Printed Circuit Board, self-powered wireless sensor solutions, Semiconductor, semiconductor chip foundries, Semiconductor Device, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Semiconductor Ohmic Contact, Semiconductor Risk Assessment, Semiconductor Sapphire, Semiconductors, Short Circuit, soft electrical circuits, thermal circuit, Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit, wearable electronics, zero-carbon emission power, zzsemiconducting materials
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Materials, Materials > Semiconducting Materials, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors > Circuits, Energy & Environment, Energy & Environment > Energy Efficiency, Optics & Photonics
Electrically Gated Solid-State Molecular Thermal Transistor (Case No. 2024-099)
Summary: UCLA researchers have introduced a solid-state thermal transistor that achieves groundbreaking performance and facilitates improved heat flow manipulation. Background: The forefront of thermal management is marked by the exploration of molecular thermal transistors, driven by the quest for more efficient electronic devices. Researchers are...
Published: 2/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Yongjie Hu, Paul Weiss, Man Li
Keywords(s): ; self-assembled molecule, Composite Material, Doping (Semiconductor), Elastic Modulus Thermal Grease, Electronics & Semiconductors, field-effect transistors (FETs), Functional Materials, heat control, heat controlling devices, infrared thermal imaging, Microelectronics Semiconductor Device Fabrication, molecular design, molecular engineering, molecular junction, Nanomaterials, Optoelectronic materials, Optomechanical Thermal Imaging Transducer, organic field effect transistors, Organic Semiconductor, phase change materials, Rechargeable Battery Thermal Conductivity, self-assembled molecule, Semiconductor, semiconductor chip foundries, Semiconductor Device, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Semiconductor Ohmic Contact, Semiconductor Risk Assessment, Semiconductor Sapphire, Semiconductors, solid-state thermal transistor, strength-thermal stability, switching reversibility, thermal circuit, thermal compression bonding, thermal conductance, Thermal Energy Storage, thermal fusion, thermal imaging, thermal management systems, thermal stability, thermal switching speed, thermal switching speeds, thermal transistor, Thin-Film Transistor, Transistor, transistors, zzsemiconducting materials
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Energy & Environment, Energy & Environment > Energy Generation, Energy & Environment > Energy Storage, Energy & Environment > Energy Transmission, Energy & Environment > Thermal, Electrical > Instrumentation, Materials, Materials > Nanotechnology
Pulsed Dynamic Load Modulation Power Amplifier Circuit (Case No. 2006-330)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering developed a method for a power amplifier circuit with improved efficiency. Background: The wireless communication industry faces a demand for high data transfer rates with limited frequency resources. Existing methods of improving performance involve the use of power...
Published: 2/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Yuanxun Wang, Jinseong Jeong
Keywords(s): Antennas/Wireless, attenuator, Doping (Semiconductor), efficiency enhancement, Electronics & Semiconductors, energy-efficient wireless communication, Microelectronics Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Organic Semiconductor, power amplifier, Power Amplifier Circuit, pulsed load modulation, radiofrequency (RF) coil, radiofrequency signaling, RF signal, Semiconductor, semiconductor chip foundries, Semiconductor Device, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Semiconductor Ohmic Contact, Semiconductor Risk Assessment, Semiconductor Sapphire, Semiconductors, variable load matching, Wireless, wireless capsule endoscopy, wireless communication, Wireless Sensor Network, zzsemiconducting materials
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Signal Processing, Electrical > Wireless, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors
A Chemical-Dedoping Strategy to Tailor Electron Density in Molecular-Intercalated Bulk Monolayer MOS2 (Case No. 2024-022)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry have developed a novel strategy to decouple the interlayer interactions in bulk MoS2 to produce a bulk material with desirable monolayer properties. Background: Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is a popular and well-studied 2D semiconducting layered material. A single layer, or...
Published: 2/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Xiangfeng Duan, Yu Huang, Boxuan Zhou
Keywords(s): bulk material, bulk monolayer, chemical dedoping, direct bandgap, Doping (Semiconductor), Electronics & Semiconductors, exciton, indirect bandgap, intercalated materials, Microelectronics Semiconductor Device Fabrication, molybdenum disulfide (MOS2), monolayer, Optoelectronic materials, Organic Semiconductor, photoluminescence, photon absorption, Semiconductor, semiconductor chip foundries, Semiconductor Device, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Semiconductor Ohmic Contact, Semiconductor Risk Assessment, Semiconductor Sapphire, Semiconductors, spin polarization, valley polarization, zzsemiconducting materials
Category(s): Materials, Materials > Functional Materials, Materials > Semiconducting Materials, Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors
A High Throughput Thermal Compression Bonding Scheme for Interposer and Wafer-Scale Advanced Packaging Constructs (Case No. 2023-144)
Summary: UCLA researchers in the Department of Electrical and Computer and Engineering have introduced a scalable and rapid bonding method for dielet assembly on advanced packaging constructs, achieving a remarkable throughput of over 1100 units-per-hour, or 10-fold higher than the conventional assembly method. Background: In semiconductor packaging,...
Published: 2/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Subramanian Iyer, Krutikesh Sahoo, Haoxiang Ren
Keywords(s): advanced packaging, advanced packaging constructs, dielet assembly, dielet bonding, Electronic Packaging, electronics packaging, Fabrication Technologies, face-to-face heterogeneous dielet bonding, heterogeneous integration, heterogenous electronic systems, high throughput, Instrumentation, Interposers, Microelectronics Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Organic Semiconductor, package scaling, Semiconductor, semiconductor chip foundries, Semiconductor Device, Semiconductor Device Fabrication, Semiconductors, thermal compression bonding, wafer-scale, wafer-scale computing, Waferscale Processors
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors > Waferscale Computing, Materials, Materials > Semiconducting Materials, Materials > Fabrication Technologies, Electrical > Instrumentation
Synaptic Circuits Made From Transistors and Memory Capacitors (UCLA Case No. 2023-092)
Summary: UCLA researchers from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering have developed a novel circuit architecture that emulates neural synapses for concurrent parallel computing. Background: Almost all modern computer chips consist of computing and learning processes that are implemented sequentially. To improve computing power,...
Published: 2/14/2025   |   Inventor(s): Yong Chen, Zixuan Rong
Keywords(s): Application-Specific Integrated Circuit, Artifical Intelligence (Machine Learning, Data Mining), artificial electromagnetic materials, Artificial Intelligence, artificial intelligence augmentation, Artificial Neural Network, Artificial Neural Network Artificial Neuron, artificial-intelligent materials, autonomous control, computational efficiency, edge computing, Electronics & Semiconductors, Energy Efficiency, energy management, Integrated Circuit, Medical artificial intelligence (AI), Neuromorphic circuits, parallel processing, parallel signal processing, processor design, Semiconductor, semiconductor chip foundries, Semiconductor Device, Semiconductors, synaptic resistor (synstor)
Category(s): Electrical, Electrical > Electronics & Semiconductors, Electrical > Signal Processing, Materials, Materials > Semiconducting Materials, Software & Algorithms, Software & Algorithms > Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning